Alameda Research Seeks $446 Millioner over påståede 'præferenceoverførsler' til Voyager Digital

På mandag, Alameda Research Ltd. filed a legal complaint against Voyager Digital LLC and HTC Trading Inc. i U.S.A. bankruptcy court. The complaint alleges the defendants received preferential transfers of property from Alameda Research and the plaintiffs are seeking to

Milliardær Mark Cuban sagsøgt for angiveligt at have promoveret en massiv krypto-"Ponzi-ordning"

Shark Tank-stjerne og ejer af NBA-holdet Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, står over for et gruppesøgsmål for at promovere Voyager Digital’s kryptoprodukter. Sagsøgerne hævder, at Voyager var “et massivt Ponzi-skema” og cubansk “duped millions of

Rapport: Crypto Hedge Fund Three Arrows Capital slog en GBTC arbitrage-handel før rygtet kollaps

Last week there was a lot of focus on the crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital (3AC) as the firm allegedly had a great deal of leveraged positions liquidated and theres been speculation about insolvency. According to a recent report, 3AC’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta…